时间: 9月21日下午13:30-15:30
主题:Comparative Rhetoric Approach to Chinese Expository Paragraphs
Abstract: Contrary to Kaplan's contrastive rhetoric, some scholars tend to go to the other extreme—blur or mitigate the difference between English and Chinese writings. However, denying or neglecting the difference is not comparative rhetoric. To make clear the problem will help teachers make policies and take appropriate teaching strategies. This lecture attempts to display some evidence and statistics about the rhetorical mode specific to Chinese paragraphs. The investigation includes two parts—Chinese textbooks and Chinese model essays. The research results show that the Chinese textbooks bear no systematic theory or instruction on Chinese paragraph writing and even no concept of topic sentence. Moreover, the paragraphs without topic sentences dominate in number in the model essays; coordination instead of hierarchical relations constitutes most of the expository paragraphs.
主讲人介绍:刘东虹,女,复旦大学博士,华中师范大学教授、博士生导师、"修辞学与写作研究中心"主任、"外国语言学与应用语言学研究所"副所长;福布莱特研究学者(Fulbright VRS);"全国英语写作研究会"常务理事、"国际修辞传播学会"会长。2007年获复旦大学英语语言文学博士学位。2009年-2010年获国家留学基金委全额资助,在美国Penn State University"语言习得中心"进行访问研究。2016年-2017年作为Fulbright研究学者在美国Purdue University英语系做访问研究。研究兴趣包括修辞学与写作、二语习得、语用学。